Saturday, April 24, 2010

Which Jewish names are not given to Christian babies?

What about "Menachem" and "Chaim"?

Which Jewish names are not given to Christian babies?
The ones they don't use are probably not popular with modern-day Jewish parents either. For example, "Mahar-shalal-hasbaz" usually gets passed over. Long, complex, hard to spell or pronounce names get left behind in favour of simpler names like Mark or Joseph or Benjamin.
Reply:The issue here is not about which names are Jewish but about which names are not native to English-speakers. Menachem and Chaim are Hebrew names and it would be strange, but not impossible, to hear them given to the child of an English-speaking couple. I have come across a Judah, and I know people with children called Reuben, Joshua, Levi and Rebekah - none of whom are from Jewish families.

I suspect Judas - though the name is latinised and therefore more familiar to English speakers - is much rarer, though, because of the connotations of treachery.
Reply:Judah is not at all an unlikely name for Christians. I know several young men - both in my congregation - and others nearby, with the name Judah. I also have a young man named Moses in my congregation.

Also I know of those named Joshua and Jeremiah.

Hannah J Paul
Reply:Anglicized Jewish names from Hebrew or Aramaic have been given to Christians for millenia. Steven, John, Jonathan, Joshua (Jesus), Hiram, Elijah, Abraham and so on. Ruth, Esther, Eve, Judith, Mary/Maryam/Miriam- how many others?
Reply:ok menachem and chaim is probly a rare name. menachem could be christian given name and i think chaim would be jewish

judah n judas is VERY UNLIKELY to be a christian name your right
Reply:Jude and Judith are related to the Hebrew name Yehudah, which was translated by Greeks into Judah/Judas.
Reply:If a person can name their child Mercedes, they can name their baby a Jewish name.
Reply:The octomum named all her babies Jewish names, was she Jewish?
Reply:I hope 'Elisha' is not used, remembering the horror he caused in 2kings2.
Reply:I don't think you will find anyone who would want to name their child Judas.
Reply:I would never call any child JUDAS, OSAMA or ADOLPH

but hey that's me
Reply:Neither would I choose Methusalah or Job or Cain

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