Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How can I change my Jewish last name without insulting my parents or hassling them?

I am half-jewish and my father bestowed on me a horrible sounding ethnic name. I do not look Jewish nor I do feel even remotely connected with the religion or culture yet I people automatically judge me as soon as they hear my name. I would change my name in a second, but I am still 19 years old going to school and dependent on my parents. I want to change my name now before I get to far into my life where it become to inconvenient.

How can I change my Jewish last name without insulting my parents or hassling them?
good question

you cant hide who you are
Reply:change it to goldberg.
Reply:You do that and your parents will disown you. It may sound horrible now but you'll be proud of it in the future. Shot, I got Maria in my name and I'm male. See what I mean.
Reply:Don't let it be an incovienence for you and don't pay no mind to what others think...Be proud of who you are as a person which includes the jewish heritence as well as the other culture you are! You will be a stronger person for it!
Reply:Don't do that, that's soooo disrespectful. And the people who'd be judging you because of your name shouldn't be in your life anyways.
Reply:My last name wasn't that nice too. But I accepted it as a unique name which only I have and which my parents gave to me. Now most people call me by my last name.If you seen the show"Meet The Fockers", perhaps you name will not sound so bad after all.
Reply:For similar reasons, a friend of mine took his wife's last name when he got married. (Why should women suffer all the inconvenience?)

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