Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fisher-Price dolls say Islam is the light.Fisher is Jewish name. Did a Jew plant the saying in the dolls?

That way American parents will think the Muslims planted the saying, Islam is the light in the dolls and the Muslims will be scapegoated again. What is your opinion?

Fisher-Price dolls say Islam is the light.Fisher is Jewish name. Did a Jew plant the saying in the dolls?
what the fu)) this crap is goimg too far leave my little babys toys alone
Reply:Like critics believe, I think the doll is actually saying 'Who turned out the light?'

Now, the The Little Mermaid (Aerial) figurine with a sound trigger being pressed repeatedly saying 'You're a slut' is coincidental, but it's not some subliminal message like the whole Islam is the light thing is thought to be.
Reply:I don't think it was intentional. Like Fisher-Price and Nintendo have commented, they have thousands of different sounds that people market to big corporations and companies. The sounds are interchangeable and they got put together in the wrong order.

Or maybe it was intentional, but I really doubt any Muslims (or Jews) were at fault. Probably some basement-dwelling nerd with nothing better to do, so he thought it would be funny to piss off a bunch of overprotective parents. :b
Reply:Mrs. Christianson had a 3rd grade classroom with a Christian boy, Muslim Boy and a Jewish Boy. Mrs. Christianson told the class that if anyone could guess who the greatest person ever to live was, she would give them a dollar. The Christian boy quickly raised his hand and said, "The Pope." "Good answer but not correct", replied Mrs. Christianson. The Muslim boy threw up his hand and said, "Mohammed!" "Nice try but no", she replied. The Jewish boy threw up his hand an yelled, "Jesus was!" "Wow, you are correct! Here is your dollar."

After class, as the children were leaving, Mrs. Christianson pulled the little Jewish boy aside and told him she was surprised that although he was Jewish, he still knew the correct answer. The little Jewish boy smiled at her and said, "Look, I know Moses was the greatest man ever to live but business is business."
Reply:That silly doll again. Have you listened to the tape? It's so garbled that it's amazing anyone can hear any words at all out of it. Stupid hype that's all it is.
Reply:Fisher Price produces children's toys. I believe that they make toy's for children of all religions, since NOT doing so would cut out some of their prospective target market.

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